Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 4th Anniversary

This is a late late post that was supposed to be up on 1st Jan(:
Happy 4th Anniverary, dear!
Four years is a long long time...
Thru this four years, we've had both happy and upset times.
Quarrels are of course inevitable but it all seems worth while at the end of the day once we've thrashed things out and move on from it! I am really glad to have you by my side all these while, to cheer me up when i'm down, to encourage me to press on when i'm just about to give up, to talk some sense into me when i'm incorrgible.I know i'm quite horrible at times. LOL. So on and so forth...
Actually I've got lots of things to say,but i'm nt really good with writing, so I probably wouldn't type them all out here! But i suppose i've already told u what i've wanted to say. (Just in case you are reading)

" 我希望我们能手牵着手,一直这样走下去。有你在我身旁,我是幸福的!”
(P.S 这是我公开讲过最最肉麻的话!你最好牢牢记着!)

This entry to be dedicated to BEN TEO!

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