Monday, September 21, 2009

Party World (:

Recently, I had a singing session with S12 friends at party world clementi! That was last last friday.. Haha.. So perhaps it isn't that "recent" afterall. Lol. But i finally found time to blog as I just came back from Genting. Yep! Anyway, back to what i wanted to say.. The last time i sang with them was at Chevrons. I guess that was a year ago! It is always fun singing with them as they are very entertaining! And i realised that four hours simply isn't enough for the 5 of us. Too bad karaoke systems are no longer that popular at homes. Otherwise it would be nice if anyone has one at home. One with individual playlist etc. Woohoo! Am i thinking too much again?? I sure think so. Kk.. I shan't say any further. Time to unpack my stuff and wash my clothes! Let the pictures do the saying..

Saturday, September 12, 2009


最近常在休息时到 facebook 做观光旅客 。从令人垂涎三尺的他人八卦到令我倾心相爱的可爱游戏,我都无不捧场!没办法,诱惑力太强,定力不足。

从朋友那儿知道,他们不但做足至今的功夫,还已经博览全集,阅读了下一二周的材料。嗨 !真是惭愧。就拿现在来说,这篇日记,我的字迹,本该不存在。可是。。。我还是被诱降了。 这篇文字也已足构成降表。


《金缕衣》“ 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。花开堪折直须折,莫等无花空折枝。”

Friday, September 4, 2009


This is an overdue post. I'm so sorry that I only managed to blog now!
Dragons had dinner behind Sunshine Place market. We ate "zi cha". Yummy!
Once again, I missed taking photos of our food. Argh. I guess i was too hungry.. Either or, the food was too tempting that I couldn't wait.
I realised our photos are very blur! That's for not using the flash..zZ

Back to school stuff..
I think I need 48 hours a day in order to finish my readings in time before a whole new pile comes crashing in. -_-
But the problem is, I'll never get 48 hours a day, unless like Hermonie, I have a time machine enabling me to revisit passed time whenever i need to. If anyone were to invent that, I would buy it at all cost!! Haha..
Okay.. i guess by now you guys would be thinking that I'm crapping. BUT BUT BUT, I"M NOT! I really mean it!! I would be happy if time can be borrowed or transferred or bought! Haha.. Being unable to finish my stuff on time gives me a better understanding of the chinese saying "一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”。