Wednesday, November 5, 2008

tropic thunder

I managed to catch a movie with Ben last week!

This movie is directed and starred by Ben Stiller. The other main actors include Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr. Basically it was a M18 action comedy.

Seriously, i almost vomitted when i saw the first few scenes of the movie. I thought i saw intestines, broken arms and legs, organs drooping out etc. Then I realise that the actors in the movie "were making" a movie. But that didn't make me feel any better. I had always been afraid of watching such violent and gross films.

But thankfully the story got better. I was better able to "watch" the movie treating it as a "comedy" without having to think too much. I wouldn't say that the plot is good but some scenes were quite hilarious. It should be good for laughing out as Ben was laughing throughout. Or maybe the army guys can understand it better since it is something on "brotherhood".

2.5 more weeks to exams.
I haven't started revision

Time is running out..

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